Qatari Soldier graduates U.S. Army Ranger School
September 21, 2022
2nd Lt. Khalid M. Alkorbi (center), Qatari Joint Special Forces, graduated from U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia, September 16, 2022. He is the second soldier from Qatar to complete the elite course and earn the Ranger ta

U.S. Army Central National Suicide Prevention Month Message
September 7, 2022
U.S. Army Central Commanding General, LTG Patrick Frank, and U.S. Army Central Command Sergeant Major, CSM J.Garza, recognize National Suicide Prevention Month.

U.S. Army Central hosts Israeli Defense and Armed Forces Attaché to the U.S.
August 31, 2022
U.S. Army Central Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Patrick Frank, conducts a gift exchange with Maj. Gen. Hidai Zilberman, 
Israeli Defense and Armed Forces Attaché to the United States, August 31, 2022, at Shaw AFB, SC.

The hidden weight of the Purple Heart
August 15, 2022
Retired Command Sgt. Maj. James K. Bodecker displays the Purple Heart he was awarded March 20, 2006, after being shot by a sniper in Ramadi, Iraq, February 17, 2006.

U.S. Army Central conducts key leader engagements in Tajikistan
August 15, 2022
Maj. Gen. Jahondgir Nazaralizoda, acting commander, Republic of Tajikistan Mobile Forces, discusses the mission of the Romit-Magob Training Center with Maj. Gen. Wendul Hagler, Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Central, May 24, 2022.

U.S. military women show support at historic Lebanese graduation
August 2, 2022
From the left, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Kendra Carter, Air Force 1st Lt. Alydia Ball, Army National Guard 1st Lt. Ashley Estep, Coast Guard Lt. j.g. Kayla Sowers, Navy Ensign Allison Sterr, and Navy Ensign Rochelle Brown, pose for a photo during a reception following a graduation ceremony for the Lebanese Army Military Academy in Fayadiyeh, Lebanon, Aug. 1.

U.S. Army Central leadership tours ARCENT AOR
July 28, 2022
Lt. Gen. Patrick D. Frank, who assumed command of U.S. Army Central July 7, 2022, and Command Sgt. Maj. Jacinto Garza, met with the Soldiers of Task Force Liberty at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar.

Lt. Gen. Patrick Frank Assumes Command of U.S. Army Central
July 11, 2022
U.S. Central Command's Commander, Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, passes the U.S. Army Central colors to incoming USARCENT's Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Patrick D. Frank, during the change of command ceremony at Patton Hall's Lucky Park, Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., July 7, 2022. During the ceremony, Frank assumed command from outgoing Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Ronald P. Clark

Chief of Israeli Ground Forces visits U.S. Army Central's Patton Hall
July 6, 2022
Brig. Gen. Matthew L. Eichburg, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Central, welcomes Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadaie, Chief of the Israel Ground Forces, to U.S. Army Central Headquarters at Shaw Air Force Base, June 30, 2022. (U.S. Army Central photo by Diamante Byrne) (This photo has been altered for security purposes by blurring out identification badges).

U.S. Army Central celebrates Army's 247th birthday with ceremonial cake-cutting
June 14, 2022
U.S. Army Central Celebrates Army's 247th Birthday With Ceremonial Cake-Cutting.

(Left to Right)  USARCENT Commanding General, LTG Ronald Clark, LTC Kenneth Boes, SPC Archie McParland, and CSM Carlos Evans cut the cake during a ceremony at Patton Hall.  The cake was cut using a replica M1913 Patton Sword, designed by then-2nd Lt. George Patton.