U.S. Army Central strives to provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior.
Individuals are encouraged to use the chain of command to address MEO complaints. If you believe discrimination has occurred in line with one or more of the following: race, color, sex (to include gender identity), religion, national origin, or sexual orientation, you should discuss the concern with an MEO Professional who will strive to facilitate a resolution at the lowest level possible.
The MEO Office can help you by:
- Explaining the MEO complaint process
- Listening to and helping you identify your concerns
- Reviewing your case objectively
- Discussing the concerns with those involved
- Attempting informal resolution
- Answering your questions
Soldiers have the right to present a complaint to the command without fear of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment. It is the individual's responsibility to submit only legitimate complaints and to exercise caution against unfounded or reckless charges.
While not required, it is recommended that the individual attempt to resolve a complaint by first informing the alleged offender that the behavior MUST stop.
An informal complaint is any complaint a Soldier, DA Civilian or Family member does not wish to file in writing. Informal complaints may be resolved directly by the individual, with the help of another unit member, the commander or other person in the complainant’s chain of command. Typically, the issue can be resolved through discussion, problem identification, and clarification of the issues.
A formal complaint is one that a complainant files in writing and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken.
Complaints where the complainant remains unidentified may be handled as either an informal or a formal complaint. The commander will determine if sufficient information is provided to proceed as either an informal or formal complaint.
Contact the U.S. Army Central MEO office for additional information or training on the Army's Equal Opportunity complaint and appeals process.