Feature Stories

Artillery Soldiers practice maneuver, medical tasks
February 26, 2018
Noncommissioned officers with Delta Battery, 1st Battalion, 145th Field Artillery Regiment, Utah National Guard, watch a UH-60 Black Hawk air ambulance crew load simulated casualties into the helicopter during training on Gerber Training Area, Udairi Range Complex, Kuwait, Feb. 26, 2018. The exercise included an IED lane and enemy fire in a hostile village before culminating in the simulated medical evacuation.

Engineers conduct flag change ceremony to celebrate Kuwaiti holiday
February 22, 2018
A flag detail from the 40th Brigade Engineer Battalion folds an aging Kuwaiti Flag

Conquerors partner with Kuwaiti Land Forces Institute
February 22, 2018
Iron Soldiers embrace international interoperability as they partnered and conduct training with the Kuwaiti Land Forces. Soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 35th Armored Regiment, showed an array of skills from clearing rooms and urban defense to squad attack in order to minimize the effects of the enemy’s defensive fires during movement.

Qatar Armed Forces National Sport Day activities
February 13, 2018
Powered paragliders from the Qatar Army perform during Qatar Armed Forces National Sport Day.

ARCENT IDHQ Leader’s Conference: Being Part of the Team
February 12, 2018
Col. Marc Hoffmeister, commander of the 20th Engineer Brigade speaks to leaders of the 28th Infantry Division supporting units at the two-day US Army Central Intermediate Division Headquarter Leader’s Conference at Fort Hood, Texas on Feb. 13, 2018.

USARCENT Soldiers show off capabilities, equipment for CENTCOM leadership
February 9, 2018
Black Hawks Fly Over Armored Vehicles

First Army prepares Pa. Guard division for Middle East deployment
February 8, 2018
Mass. Guard unit prepares for Middle East deployment

USARCENT Director of Operations joins general officer ranks
February 2, 2018
USARCENT Director of Operations joins general officer ranks

Comms Team Fills Gaps in Any Environment
February 2, 2018
U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers of the 335th Signal Command (Theater) Provisional disassemble a SIPR NIPR Access Point (SNAP) terminal after providing signal capabilities during Exercise Inferno Creek 2018, Thumrait Air Base, Oman, Jan. 31 2018. Inferno Creek is an annual U.S. Army Central-led, bilateral exercise held with Omani military forces, focusing on combined arms maneuver, including dismounted infantry.

Soldiers perform combat lifesaver training at Camp Arifjan
February 1, 2018
Soldiers transport simulated casualty