Tag: engineers

U.S. Army Central Engineers support Sumter Habitat for Humanity
December 6, 2022
U.S. Army Central Engineers support Sumter Habitat for Humanity with a home building project and demolition work.

Engineers keep it constructive
January 17, 2020
Engineers keep it constructive

Army Engineers visit Desert Storm sites in Kuwait
March 13, 2019
Task Force Castle Leaders assigned to the 20th Engineer Brigade partnered with the U.S. Army Engineer School to conduct a Desert Storm staff ride throughout historical sites in Kuwait, January 29-31, 2019. Designed to further the professional development of leaders while in a deployed environment, the staff ride gave a group of more than sixty Soldiers the chance to visit battle sites, museums, and an airfield with partially destroyed hangars. Soldiers learned about and discuss various aspects of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The staff ride was designed to familiarize TF Castle leaders with the dynamics of large-scale combat operations with an emphasis on engineer support.